If you read this blog and were waiting for something to happening last year, I am sorry. Life happened and then I didn't have time to write so much. Well maybe I did have time to write but I didn't have the strength to do so.
Anyway, I intend to make an effort this year to post something every week. Here's this week's post.......
Well this time last year, I was busy working on my African food products, finding markets, looking at packaging etc. when I was rudely interrupted by life. First I was in a little car that was hit by a London taxi (and those are really heavy!!!), I had chest pains for a mighty long time and couldn't really work. Then my father was diagnosed with lung cancer (well that wasn't a surprise because he was a very heavy smoker for most of my and his life, but had quit though) and then he died. That was a surprise. Firstly, I didn't think he would die so soon and secondly, I never thought my father would die. I had never thought about my parents dying, never. Anyway, my father's death took me back to Sierra Leone. That is when my life changed. I saw people and places that broke my heart.
Thanks to Leonardo DiCaprio and his friends, everyone knows about Sierra Leone. And before you ask, the war ended in 2002 and no I haven't seen it. I won't bother telling you about Sierra Leone about how beautiful it is and how warm the people are. Suffice it to say that war destroyed most of the country and now we struggle with electricity, water, health care, everything that you probably take for granted. Sierra Leone is positioned 177 on the UN Development index...oh, alright then...we are last. Worse than Iraq and Afghanistan and Congo who still have ongoing wars. Which means that we are regressing and we are one of a few countries actually called underdeveloped. Hospitals don't work, there are not enough doctors or nurses and here we have my interruption. I felt like I had to do something.
So here we are, I have taken a sabbatical from business and I am now working full-time for HealthySalone, a charity organisation that I set up to change the face of health care in Sierra Leone. Our aim is simple - to reduce the number of Sierra Leoneans dying from treatable and preventable diseases. If you would like to support us, you can go to www.healthysalone.org.uk and you will find all the details there. If you want to volunteer, yippee!! come join us. We are working to change one hospital at a time. If you are a Sierra Leonean health care worker who lives abroad, watch out for the official launch of our Desperately Seeking Talent Programme.
I will continue to update this blog but you won't hear about Simply African for a little while. Sorry.