Tuesday, 22 May 2007

My New Life

I was talking to one of my many mentors today and she suggested I start a blog. Apparently, my story is interesting and she reckons there are some of you out there who would love to read it and may even get inspired by it.
"What is this story?" I hear you ask. Well, I am currently working on a new food range based completely on African recipes. I am trying to make sure Africa is known for much more than debt and poverty. What is so special about what I am doing is that I started making these sauces and biscuits, and catering for people in my kitchen. It has now been transformed into a full-blown food business (www.simplyafrican.co.uk).
Starting a business is not easy and starting a food business seems to be a lot harder. Did you know that there are about nineteen different legislations that food businesses have to comply with? Then there is the branding, development, getting money and just getting people interested. As Beverley Sills, the famous American opera singer once said, “there are no short cuts to any place worth going.”
Bear with me as I find my blog voice and bring you the best and worst of my business life.

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