Saturday, 30 June 2007

Finding Premises

Like many small businesses, Azizzi was started in my kitchen. This means that I am currently working from home. So far it has worked well because I have managed to establish a routine and create boundaries. For example, I make sure I have got my day's exercise out of the way before I turn the computer on. I also make sure my Blackberry is turned off at 10pm and is turned back on at 7am. This means that I am not answering calls and emails late into the night. However,it is now time for me to get a 'real' office.
Having decided that I needed an office outside my home, it now seems that finding an office with low rent and overheads is a near impossible task in London. As I currently own a business which has not produced anything and has therefore, not made any sales, it is important that I don't get myself tied into a very expensive space. Of course, I would like Azizzi to own its premises if it could afford to.
It seems equipping the office is also another expensive venture. I made the mistake of visiting a photocopier sales room. Leasing a photocopier will cost over a thousand pounds every year and I am scared when I even consider it. I certainly have to sit and think about what would be the best (buying or leasing) when one takes into account the tax benefits and so on.
So what does a small business owner do when she is faced with all these issues? She seeks advice from all those who are in the know. If you are running your own business, make sure you have a good accountant and a very good lawyer and together they will save you a lot more money than they cost.
Good luck!


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